Australia on world map

Australia, officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is located in the southern hemisphere and is bounded by two major bodies of water: the Indian Ocean to the west and the South Pacific Ocean to the east. As the world's sixth largest country,...
The map shows mainland Australia and neighboring island countries with international borders, state boundaries, the national capital Canberra, state and territory capitals, major cities, main roads, railroads, and international airports. You are free to...
Australia's isolation from other continents explains much of the singularity of its plant and animal life. Its unique flora and fauna include hundreds of kinds of eucalyptus trees and the only egg-laying mammals on Earth, the platypus and...
Shown above. The map shown here is a terrain relief image of the world with the boundaries of major countries shown as white lines. It includes the names of the world's oceans and the names of major bays, gulfs, and seas. Lowest elevations are...
Well-researched and entertaining content on geography (including world maps), science, current events, and more.
Description: This map shows where Australia is located on the World Map. Size: 2000x1193px. Author: . Maps of Australia: Australia Location Map. Australia States And Capitals Map. Large Detailed Map of Australia With Cities And Towns....
Click on Australia in the map to zoom in, or choose a link to your left. Australia is a country very diverse in geographical data. The total land area is 7,682,300km which makes Australia the world's smallest continent and the sixth largest country...
Australia, one of the Oceania countries is located between the South Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. This developed and one of the wealthiest countries of the world covers a total of 7, 741, 220 sq. km of area, making it the sixth largest countries...
Find out where is Australia located. The location map of Australia below highlights the geographical position of Australia on the world map.
Australia on the world map. Print this page. This resource looks at maps of Australia and the world and encourages students to become familiar with continents, countries, states, capitals, oceans and direction (north, south, east, west).
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